Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Pizza Letdown

My pizza failed me. I knew it would. I had one of those Digiorno frozen pizzas. They never have enough sauce or cheese or topping. Usually I will fix that. I’ll get some extra pepperoni, cheese, tomato sauce and just tweak it. That turns a slightly below average pizza into average. Which is acceptable, especially when the pizza is on sale.

I just didn’t feel like being bothered today. I did add a little cheese and I am out of pepperoni but I do have sauce. I didn’t feel like bothering opening a jar of sauce just for a little for a damn pizza. Why the hell cannot the pizza have enough sauce? What if this was the pizza that did have enough? Truth is I can never remember which pizza brand is cheap on the sauce. I guess I will remember now.

Oh, I am not cheap where I don’t want to open a damn jar or sauce, but you know what happens? I will open it, use a bit of it, put it in the fridge and then go back in few days and there will be mold in it. I just don’t use tomato sauce that often. And yes I could make my own quick sauce and I do, but sometimes its quicker to reach for a jar of something, add a couple things too it while the water boils and than eat pasta that way. Don’t judge me.

So my pizza was weak. I ate most of it but that’s another story. I mean, come on, it’s still pizza.
Oh. And I cooked it a little too long. Grrr. Laterzzz...

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Thursday, May 03, 2012

I am more than willing to be wrong. I don’t always have to be right. I do not always know the answer. I am okay with that. I can admit it.

The thing is if I am wrong, and I am proven wrong, and it is made clear to me that I am wrong--I will change my mind! If two plus two equals five really equals four why would I continue to stick by five? Just to stick with my position? Just so I don’t have to admit I was wrong? That is foolish.

I appear to be in a rare minority that way.

When did refusing to admit you are wrong, no matter how obviously wrong you are, become acceptable? Is this something that has always been? I know I have heard the phrase “Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it” and other similar statements all my life. I always thought it was about learning from the past and doing things better. Is there a hidden meaning in there?

Maybe the real point is thinking is hard? Change is hard. Saying the same things, following the same rut, even if you don’t really believe it is a lot easier than changing your world view. The problem is if you are in a bad situation it’s easier to stay in that bad situation or ignore the situation all together than to change your mind and deal with the issues. I actually envy that in a way.

You have people who don’t even acknowledge the need to change their minds and than you have the people who know it’s all bullshit but keep on spouting the bullshit because the people they are feeding it too eat it like candy. I guess that is the way it is. The problem is when people get hurt because of the bullshit. Losing a little money isn’t getting hurt. Starving hurts.


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Monday, April 30, 2012

Which Doktor?

There is a lack of witch doctors out there. Shaman, medicine men, faith healers, call them what you will. We need more people who will role the bones and look at some animal guts and then give you something to make you feel better. Maybe they can help you cast a spell to remove that weird smell coming out of you?
I don’t mean wiccans. I mean the guy or woman who live in a village off in the woods casting spells. They always have to have something cooking in a big pot. And things in jars. You can’t be a witch doctor without things in jars that may or may not still be alive.
Why am I yearning for the magicmen? I think I am tired of doctors. Tired of people who barely treat you and proscribe a pill. The nurse takes a blood pressure, they look at your answers to a questionnaire, have you breathe in and breath out and then tell you to get a new pill. It feels like a scam.
Basically the doctors just tell you what you already know. Lose weight if you are fat. Eat better. Exercise. Stop smoking.  Take this pill. You need a pill to lower cholesterol, blood pressure, or blood sugar. Modern medicine is the fifty minute wait and the five minute appointment.
Never with a which doctor. Which? Witch! Voodoo daddy! Even if the cup of the liquid they give you to drink does nothing the theater is there as it bubbles and squelches and tastes horrible. The shaman himself- the bones, the makeup, the dancing--when was the last time a proctologist danced for you?
I don’t know if a dancing proctologist would be a good thing. Definitely not during the exam. Afterward? Might be awkward yet accompanied by a good meal? Seriously, you’ve already put out, how much worse could it be?
I don’t think witch doctors actually healed much. I could be wrong. I assume we heal more nowadays. We do give out more pills. We are told to chew leaves less often. I guess it’s hard for the pharmacy to stock leaves. Laterzzz...

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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Posted thoughts

Posted this on a Message Board

Too lazy to write something new...

Fiscal Conservative--does that mean the tax breaks and corporate welfare go to the bankers, the energy cartels, the warmongers or some other group who doesn't need the help? As long as you can blame welfare queens its all good.

How about some Fiscal Progressiveness where we see who has the money and tax them. Like they did in the past. How about we stop spending money on endless wars that suck up our treasure and kill our people. How about end the drug war an put those cops to work securing the border or regulating the newly created marijuana farming industry.

I could go on, but we need less talk about "going back" and looking ahead. Too many conservatives see themselves as pioneers, homesteaders who can do it all by themselves out in the wild if gub'mint would get out the way. What they really are are Indians who tried to share the land and realized too late that the rest of the world was coming.

Nothing says America is guaranteed to win. The precious bible never mentions us.America could be a blip on the radar of history if we don't get our shit together.

But what do I know, I'm an asshole posting on a wrestling board. Pro-choice, tax the rich, generally anti-war, actually pro-gun, and pro-legalization and an American asshole.

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Monday, April 16, 2012

No peace, No Justice

George Zimmerman probably won’t go to jail.

If you are reading this in the future he was the guy who got out of his car after 9-11 told him not to and confronted a black teenager in a hoodie who had ice tea and Skittles. Then he shot him.

Supposedly when Zimmerman confronted Treyvon Martin, Treyvon attacked him. Zimmerman felt his life was in danger and shot him.

After being told to stay in his car and wait for the police who he had called to report a person in a hoodie just walking, he shot him.

The problem is the shooting is probably going to be considered legal because Florida and other states have a “stand your ground” law. It means you don’t have to run from a fight, conflict, conflagration, situation, or bruhaha. You can shoot the other person if they scare you and make you worry for you life. You don’t have to prove that in court. Just mention it to the cops. You don’t even need to have any marks on you. Or witnesses.

”He was going to kill me officer.” On your way you go.

So Zimmerman not being arrested isn’t the biggest problem here. Basically they just tagged and bagged the YBT(young,black teenager) and took him to the morgue. They didn’t check his cell phone. They didn’t canvas the area. Just another dead alleged gang banger,dropout,rapper, thug. Luckily Treyvon’s family didn’t let that lie; they claimed their son, and went to the media. Outrage ensued. Zimmerman was finally arrested. That is the short version.

The reason he won’t be found guilty? No one can prove after all this time he wasn’t in fear for his life. That means that law will protect him. I personally think when you get out of the car when the 9-11 operator tells you not to, you lose the right to say I was scared for my life unless you are saving someone. Zimmerman isn’t freaking Batman.

He does live in Florida. I’ll be surprised if they don’t put him on the money. Laterzzz...

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