Thursday, May 03, 2012
I am more than willing to be wrong. I don’t always have to be right. I do not always know the answer. I am okay with that. I can admit it.
The thing is if I am wrong, and I am proven wrong, and it is made clear to me that I am wrong--I will change my mind! If two plus two equals five really equals four why would I continue to stick by five? Just to stick with my position? Just so I don’t have to admit I was wrong? That is foolish.
I appear to be in a rare minority that way.
When did refusing to admit you are wrong, no matter how obviously wrong you are, become acceptable? Is this something that has always been? I know I have heard the phrase “Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it” and other similar statements all my life. I always thought it was about learning from the past and doing things better. Is there a hidden meaning in there?
Maybe the real point is thinking is hard? Change is hard. Saying the same things, following the same rut, even if you don’t really believe it is a lot easier than changing your world view. The problem is if you are in a bad situation it’s easier to stay in that bad situation or ignore the situation all together than to change your mind and deal with the issues. I actually envy that in a way.
You have people who don’t even acknowledge the need to change their minds and than you have the people who know it’s all bullshit but keep on spouting the bullshit because the people they are feeding it too eat it like candy. I guess that is the way it is. The problem is when people get hurt because of the bullshit. Losing a little money isn’t getting hurt. Starving hurts.
Labels: America, idea, no right turn, politics, thinking