Friday, May 21, 2010

Back...To Stay!

I need to write something. I have things in my head that I want to get out and if I don't get them out they will stay in there and they will be in my head and I will have to think the thoughts I think all by myself. I should at least let them out so maybe they can find a home inside of someone else's head and do whatever damage they feel like doing there.

I have to just do it. I have to man up. I have to take the bull by the horns. I have to begin the journey of 1000 steps with the first one. I have to put my nose to the grindstone and my shoulder to the wheel. What I really have to do is look up some more phrases that describe just doing something.

So why have I not written anything for a while? I think it is the serious depression that I have been going through. It has taken away my motivation to do just about anything. When I have thought about writing the ideas just don't come. The will to open the word processor just doesn't come. It just didn't seem to matter. There was no point.

Yeah, I've been having a shitty time.

Now I am on some medication. And it seems to have taken a bit of the edge off the depression. I think. I have started to exercise because being in pain and being out of shape leads to my depression which leads to more inactivity, which leads to being out of shape and more pain.

Yes, it is a vicious cycle and frankly I am more than a little upset at myself for being some kind of cliche.

It does upset me that I haven't written. I have some stories in my head. Which you can check out some of here. I mean, shit, I have a story there that I haven't even finished. I never do that. But I am not going to blame myself. I am going to just accept it and move on. I still want to update the look of Brainsplatter though. It looks so old. I don't have any of those cool follower things. Not that anyone is following considering I haven't written anything. But they should have the option, shouldn't they?

I thought so.

I have also lots of politics to bitch about. Because it is my page and that is what you do on your page! I can make outlandish and unsupportable arguments with the best of them. I'm not a great writer, this I know. I don't even know if I am good. But I don't really care. I'll be what I be and if people like it cool. If they don't, all is well.

I'll write the same if a thousand people read or none. Man, I wouldn't know what to do if I had a thousand people reading this. Like winning the lottery, I don't think it is something that I will ever have to worry about.

Well, I think that is it for now. In the words of Arnold: I'll be back. Laterzzz...

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