Monday, September 22, 2008

First Day of Fall

The Cast of It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia

Today is the first day of Fall.‭ ‬Summer is over.‭ ‬Good.‭ ‬I didn't have a good summer.‭ ‬I felt like shit most of the year.‭ ‬I hope I have a good fall.‭ ‬I think today's entry will be a good day for just a bunch of random thoughts and tangents.‭ ‬Actual deep thought doesn't appeal to me right now.‭

‬Damn.‭ ‬The economy is shit,‭ ‬isn't it‭? ‬No jobs.‭ ‬Shitty jobs.‭ ‬People going broke.‭ ‬No money.‭ ‬I hope we can all agree at this point that the Bush Presidency falls under the under the category of Epic Fail.‭ ‬At least history will if America makes it through the crisis.‭ ‬Fingers Crossed.‭

‬Speaking of failing, Obama and McCain are only going to debate three times.‭ ‬And each debate is going to have a set topic,‭ ‬not many topics with just the format dictated.‭ ‬What a bunch of crap.‭ ‬They should have a bunch of debates.‭ ‬I want to see them have a throw down about the issues and I wanna see who comes out better.‭ ‬They should have at least five.‭ ‬Even if there isn't much of a value in the debates,‭ ‬it is more of a tradition kind of thing.‭ ‬Plus,‭ ‬it's fun.‭ ‬I like watching the candidates dance like trained monkeys.‭ ‬We are going to have to put up with their shit when they are in office we should at least get a bit of entertainment beforehand.‭ ‬And since they won't fight it out in a steel cage or giant robots this is second best.‭

‬My new favorite show that is currently on TV is‭ "‬It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia‭"‬.‭ ‬I guess it is on the FX network but I watch it on Hulu or other various places around the world wide internets web.‭ ‬The show is totally irreverent.‭ ‬It has foul language and adult themes.‭ ‬And it is fucking hilarious.‭ ‬If you are not watching it you should.‭ ‬If you are watching it,‭ ‬watch it more. Wildcard Bitches‭!!!! (‬Charlie is the fuckin awesome‭!)‬.‭

‬I watched a documentary called‭ "‬Bigger,‭ ‬Faster,‭ ‬Stronger‭"‬.‭ ‬It was about steroids in America but it was actually about more than that.‭ ‬It was about how in America we are all about winning and don't care what we have to do to win.‭ ‬But it is also about how we hate losing,‭ ‬losers,‭ ‬and how we consider the second place just to be the first loser.‭ ‬About the steroids it had some interesting data,‭ ‬like steroids are almost‭ ‬#150‭ ‬on the list of causes of death in America.‭ ‬Number‭ ‬1‭ ‬is alcohol.‭ ‬It said how a lot of the info about steroids is just bullshit.‭ ‬It also showed how those fuckers in Congress had those hearings about steroids in sports and what a colossal waste of time that was.‭ ‬Look,‭ ‬if I could take a pill and dunk a basketball like Jordan and earn millions I would.‭ ‬Most people would and wouldn't give a shit about the side effects or what happened down the road.‭ ‬I think if you want to take shit and put yourself at risk you should be able to.‭ ‬And if taking these things makes you more successful,‭ ‬isn't that what it is all about in this country‭?

‬Fuck,‭ ‬this is America ain't it‭? ‬Freedom means you can fuck up if you want to.‭ ‬That really should have been in the Constitution.‭

‬I need to work out.‭ ‬It's not easy to find the willpower,‭ ‬but I need to.‭ ‬I should probably do that soon.‭ ‬More on that at another time.‭

‬I always want another cup of coffee.‭ ‬I have said before but I really come as close to loving coffee as it is for a person to love a beverage.‭ ‬Coffee is a second to Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi though.‭ ‬Those are the elixir of life.‭ ‬I know I am addicted and just don't care.‭ ‬They are probably rotting me from inside but what the fuck.‭ ‬Am I right‭?

‬I got to get some fucking booze.‭ ‬I am so out of alcoholic beverages it just isn't right.‭ ‬I want some vodka.‭ ‬Maybe I will get some beers‭? ‬I will definitely pick up some Mike's hard lemonade because that stuff is just so good.‭ ‬I want to get a buzz on.‭ ‬Is that so wrong‭? ‬Everyone else in the world gets to drink and I am above‭ ‬21‭ ‬years old.‭ ‬So I want some damn alcohol.‭ ‬I am going to get some stuff and then one night drink myself into stupid oblivion.‭ ‬I do wish sometimes that alcohol held for me what it holds for others.‭ ‬Truth be told,‭ ‬alcohol has never really done it for me.‭ ‬Yeah a buzz is nice but I have never thought of it as a refuge from reality that some people do.‭ ‬Maybe I just have not drunk enough‭? ‬That is always a possibility.‭ ‬I will let you know once I get fucked up.‭ ‬Maybe my writing will get better if I get toasted‭? ‬Worked for other writers in history.‭

‬I think that might be it for now.‭ ‬Thank you for not reading.‭ ‬I wouldn't.‭ ‬Hell,‭ ‬I didn't even like writing this one.‭ ‬I don't think it clicked.‭ ‬Or maybe it did and you suck.‭ ‬And not in the good way.‭ ‬The good,‭ ‬mouth hug,‭ ‬mind the step children,‭ ‬hey what are you doing with your finger,‭ ‬wow that feels good,‭ ‬how many tongues do you have,‭ ‬oh my god here it comes,‭ ‬kind of way.‭ ‬Laterzzz...‭ 

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