Sunday, June 03, 2007

Who cares what you think?

I am gonna write something. I just don't know about what.

I was going to write about money. But then I thought, no. That might just lead to whining or gloating. Mostly whining. Besides, we don't like to talk about money in America. Actually, we don't mind talking about money--what we don't like talking about is the lack of money--or the people who don't have the money. After all, in America if you are poor it is your fault right? You didn't work hard enough or save hard enough or were not bright enough to have money. It doesn't matter that the number one way to have money is to be born with money; if you don't have it, it is your fucking fault you loser.And we don't like to talk about losing in America. We only like winners. Preferably rich winners. We're number one! We're number one! We're number one!

When it comes to money we only like to talk about the things money can buy. We have this feeling that our possessions reflect on the person that we are. If we have the bigger, better, faster, or more expensive car, house, or TV; that must mean that we are bigger, better, and happier people. The world is ours, just check out the size of my, whatever. Fill in the blank with whatever makes you happy. Will it? I don't know.

If that kind of thing makes you happy is it up to me to judge you? What does it say about me if I see that you are happy with you new BMW and think it is not valid happiness? Who the fuck am I to judge your happiness? Who is anyone to judge what anyone else does? If us Americans use lots of the worlds resources and take things for granted that the rest of the world aspires to, who's fucking business is that? Honestly, maybe the rest of the world can just fuck off. I am serious here.

What in the hell gives the rest of the world the idea that we should give one iota what they think? Even closer to home, what the hell does it matter what I think about you or you think about me? If I make you smile or make myself happy, isn't that what counts. Isn't depending on others for your validations a bigger problem than just doing what feels right for yourself? Jesus, I just don't know.

To end this rant, I am going to include a picture of something that makes me happy and then something that pisses my girl Erin off. The soda machine has Diet Pepsi in it. Yummy. The woman in the picture is on one of those scooters, but she don't look like she really needs it. People who use those scooters but don't really need them, lazy bastards in other words , piss her off. That cracks me up. Myself, I am pro-scooter. Walking is over-rated. Laterzzz...

One lazy bitch, thirsty from not walking.

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