Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas is the best holiday. Hands down. There really is no need to argue.
I don't just mean that it is the best Christian holiday either. I am going to be so bold as to say that Christmas, as it stands right now, is the best holiday of them all.
I am not saying anything about religion here. Worship as you will. I am talking about celebrating. How people observe the holiday. How people treat others during the holiday. What people do during that holiday. And yes, under these criteria, Christmas is victorious.
At Christmas people give presents. They are not limited to one. They are not limited to kind. The giving of presents is actually wide open. You can give the presents to who you want, and when you want. In fact, the whole idea is that it is better to give than receive. Even though any second grader will tell you that concept makes very little sense at all. It is true though, half of the greatness of Christmas is being able to give a gift to someone just to see them smile. We may wrap up other adult concerns into the giving but that is our own baggage we bring. The giving is pure.
Generally at Christmastime, people get together, have a party, eat, drink, be merry all the fun things. You might have a Christmas dinner with family, with friends, co-workers, or in some cases complete strangers. The idea is that this time of year you are supposed to act like you should act the rest of the year. You are allowed to be friendly and helpful. You are encouraged to think of others first. It's the time of year when we should be the best us we can be. It's the time of year when we realize what shits we are to each other the rest of the year.
I also think that the Christmas decorations rock. Halloween has some great decorations don't get me wrong. The thing is they can tend toward the macabre if not just downright scary. Not so at Christmas. We got trees. We got glass bulbs, garland, and things made of silver and gold. And we got lights, baby, lots and lots of lights. Nothing is too over the top. Nothing is too garish. And if you think that house down the street with the reindeer on the roof and Santa waving from the chimney while a giant blow up snowman on the lawn shimmers in 10, ooo glowing lights is not classy enough for your neighborhood? Well, mister, you are just a party pooper. A big fat party pooper who should get a little Christmas spirt.
Just because I have a love for Christmas doesn't mean I am putting down any other holiday. In fact my love of Christmas says that I embrace the best that everyone in the world has to offer. I would hang a menorah on my tree in a heartbeat and wish any son of Islam a Merry Christmas. You don't have to believe in Christmas. Christmas believes in you.
If I say, "Have a Merry Christmas." I am not saying, "I don't respect you." I am saying, "I hope the best for you on this day that I hold close to my heart." I don't see how that can be considered an insult.
So what you got to do is have fun this Christmas. Love the ones you love. Smile at the world. Help those who can use the help if it is in your power. Think of the best version of yourself that you can be. And then get up and be that person. If you can be that person one day a year, maybe you can be that person two days a year? Who knows, if you try hard enough you might be able to make it feel like Christmas all year long. Would that be a bad thing? Laterzzz...