Friday, October 30, 2009
Random--nothing to see here.
Software updates. Always makes me a bit nervous. But this was just a quick Firefox one so it wasn't that bad. Not like when the update is by our friends from Microsoft or Adobe. That makes me worried. I need to update my Flash.
It's not that I think the update people don't know what they are doing. Shit, I think they are smart people. Smarter than me. Or at least better trained. I just think that maybe, just maybe, when they are sitting up there, over there, where ever, they forget that things in the real world fuck up a lot.
Murphy's Law says if something can go wrong it will. I would like to update that. My law would say: Shit has gone wrong. Shit is going wrong now. Shit is going to always be wrong. You should prepare right from the start to shovel, fix, and manage all the shit that is going to be wrong.
OK. Maybe I am over stating things. Then again maybe I am not. Have you been on the Bay Bridge? No. Well it was shut down for a bit because a cable snapped. That is not really that big of a deal. Things do break. The problem is, if you look around you, everything is right on the verge of breaking down. Nothing is made to last.
I don't know if this is just because that is the nature of us as humans or if it is purely part of the American mind set. I honestly think that in the recent development. We became a country where it is easier to throw something away than it is to get it fixed. Fixing things became passe'. It is all about the new, the now, the "what's next".
I lost the track of this fucking entry. I don't know what I am trying to say. I think I might have to quit this fucking entry and start on a new one.
You know what happened. I've started caring about what I write. I used to just write and not give a shit how profane or stupid or clueless it was. I used to say what the fuck was on my mind and just let the shit go. Now, I am giving a shit what no one thinks.
Because I have have no illusions that anyone is reading this. Expecting someone to read something that you have written seems to me to be a type of vanity. Would it be cool if someone came and enjoyed what I said? Sure why the fuck not. On the other side of that, then I would have to perform for them. I would have to say something interesting. I would have to put up with someone else's ideas about my ideas. As it is now my ideas are my own. I like that.
I need some food. I had a cup of coffee and a boloney sammich. I can't decide if I should have tacos or a fried eggs sammich with cheese. I am leaning toward the egg sammich. Also another cup of coffee. Yeah. That seems right. That seems like it will hit the spot. Besides the taco shit isn't going anywhere and if I want it I will have it later. It is all about me. Fuck yeah! Laterzzz...
Labels: boring, gibberish, ignore, random