Saturday, August 16, 2008

brownies yum

This post sucks. I won't even reread it. Just skip it.

I could smell the brownies cooking. The chocolatey aroma turned to electricity in my nose and shot down my spine. It seemed to warm my spine and then the heat spread across my back.I almost felt like I was wallowing in the smell.That isn't the right word, but it is kind of accurate.

It was weird, I've never had that kind of reaction from a smell before. I have been lately trying to enjoy things more. I've been trying to change how I eat from just shoveling food in my gullet to actually tasting the food.

I read somewhere that one of the secrets to losing weight is to slow down when you eat. So I have been trying to.

I start with my morning coffee. Damn, I come as close to loving the smell of coffee brewing in the morning as it is to come to loving an inanimate thing. So when I drink my coffee I try to take a moment and breathe deeply and enjoy the aroma and the taste.

Something else I read was that smell was integral to taste. In other words if you have no sense of smell you don't have much of a sense of taste. Tastebuds can only supposedly register four tastes: sweet, salty, bitter, and something else that I can not remember right now. OK, found it. It is sour. There are some schools of thought that says there is a fifth taste which is Savory. It has an Asian name but I don't really care enough to go find it and describe it. I get by with what I got and that is OK.

Another thing I read is that you can lose your sense of smell. I guess it makes sense. You can lose your eyesight and your hearing I don't see why you can't lose the other senses.

It would suck to lose any of your senses. To some degree when I have a cold sometimes I can't smell anything because my nose is too stuffed. So to a small degree I can understand that. And I got so drunk one time that it felt like my hands were far away. It was weird. My arms almost felt like they were really long so I was feeling my hands over a distance. That only happened once, when I was young, and had drunk a way lot. I hope that is the closest I ever come to not having a sense of touch.

OK, back to the brownies. I could smell the chocolate smell and was feeling really good about the whole thing.

Little cooking tip--once you can smell the brownies, they are damn near done. That goes for other baked goods too. See, that delicious smell in that air is actually flavor escaping the brownies. So at that point you need to check them because they are damn close to being done. Ahh, brownies--so good. Let me go get some now. Laterzzz.

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