Thursday, August 30, 2007

Little bit sore

I have an ice pack on my right butt cheek. Seriously.

No, I am not trying to get all freaky-deaky; not that there is anything wrong with that. I just have a sore butt cheek.

Stop laughing!

See, I hurt my left knee. It hurt mostly when I started to walk or when I did lateral movements. For example, if I was at the sink and had to turn around that initial pushing off movement hurt like all hell. I think the reason that my Gluteus Maximus is hurting is that my left butt cheek had to compensate for the fact that my knee was weak. Just for the record:

The gluteus maximus is the largest of the gluteus muscles which are located in the buttock. The other gluteus muscles include the gluteus medius and the gluteus minimus, collectively the gluteus muscles are commonly known as the gluteal muscles. By some definitions, the gluteus maximus is the most powerful muscle of the human body (see The strongest human muscle section of the Muscle article).

So I got an ice pack on it now and it does feel a lot better. It usually hurts mostly in the morning. I get all stiff in the morning. Hey! Get your mind out of the gutter!



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