Friday, January 19, 2007

Just ramblin...

Well, winter seems to have finally gotten its ass into gear and shown up in the Northeast. All you hear from the naysayers is, "global warming, global warming!" Like turning down the thermostat two degrees is going to stop the world from getting warmer.

Seems to me that these people don't realize that every gallon of gas we don't use is just going to fuel the Chinese machine. And sooner or later if you have a machine you have got to turn it on. Is it wrong to be paranoid about the Chinese and to a lesser extent, the Indians (not the bow and arrow type but the ones in India)? Well, ask the British, French, or Portuguese how quickly a country can go from leader to follower. Ask the Roman Empire how quick conquerors become the conquered. America is a big target. Everyone hates us. Even our friends. I am just saying that that is something we have to think about. Then again maybe you don't. Keep running up debt and living for today. Nothing bad happens in America. Or maybe that is Disneyland. I get them confused. Last I checked though, Disneyworld hadn't just shot down a satellite in orbit, so think what you will.

So, tax season is here--

Quick side note--I am thinking this is going to be a depressing entry. I have been having a severe case of nothing to talk about lately and I am wondering if it is a symptom of my shitty state of life(which I won't touch on just right now, thank you). I haven't had any good ideas lately. I haven't written anything funny or humorous or dirty. I just seem to not have an interest. I don't know why? I want to write and I think that the only way to write is to just write, if you know what I mean? So I will just sit here and let the shit flow. Back to whatever--

Ok, I am back. I just had to shut down the old puter and reboot. Good thing I am a firm believer in saving my work, or else this entry would be toast. And we wouldn't want that, now would we?

Shit, had to reboot again. I do think that when tax time comes, depending on how much cash I get back I may have to invest in a new system. This is crazy. This thing is way past it's prime. Kind of like me. It should have been put out to pasture long long ago. I don't want anything great but even a computer bought at the Wal-mart is probably better. I bet if I tried to donate this to a school or something, they would say 'no thanks'. Or "get the fuck out of here!" I guess as long as it works I will hang on to it. After all I get the buyer's remorse something awful. I agonize over a purchase and hem and haw and then when I finally get around to buying I feel like I have wasted my money. Ain't that a bitch? Why can't I just buy shit and move on? What do I care if I could have bought better or cheaper or whatever the fuck? Perhaps my general un-satisfaction with my purchasing choices is indicative of my un-satisfaction with the general direction of my life in general? Can capitalistic and consumeristic be allegories in today's modern age for what we think and feel? Would Freud be studying the shopping habits of people today? After all , in America today, what is more important in most people's lives, sex or shopping? Think about it. Laterzzz...

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