Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Just saying...
Why don't I want to be miserable? Is it even possible to choose not to be? Firstly I hope it is possible and secondly I have been miserable for far to long and it hasn't done shit for me. So might as well try the other way. Maybe I am just on a manic upswing but what the hell. I am trying for the positive attitude.
Speaking of manic, funny-ish story: we are at work, bullshitting. Somehow the topic of bipolar comes up and I say I liked when it was called manic depressive. I said I would rather be manic than bi. Well one of the woman I was talking with is bi, but not polar, if you get my meaning. I immediately looked at her and said, "Zip it!" Everyone had a chuckle. At least I did.
Okay, not too funny. I was just trying to practice my segues instead of just going off on random tangents like I do. Everything can't be perfect in an imperfect world dammit.
Speaking of imperfect, North Korea may or may not have a nuke. Now that is just great. A little more chaos in the world might not be such a bad thing. See, if the world is focused on these crazy little countries with their nutty little leaders then maybe they won't be so focused on the U.S. and will leave us the fuck alone. I am tired of these whiney fucking countries bitching all the time. If China has a problem with North Korea let them deal with it. Better yet, let's let Japan get all militaristic again and go in there and kick all their asses like they did before World War 2. The U.S. has been the whipping boy for so long because we decided to stand up for civilization and shit but maybe some of these parts of the world need to tear themselves a new asshole and we should just stay the fuck out of it.
Not that I am an isolationalist. I believe we have to have a strong military but right now we ain't got shit. Iraq was a fuck up. We should have got in there. Blown the shit out of the place. Killed Saddam. And then sucked the oil out of that fucking place like a hungry baby at a big titty. Then when we had our fill, we should have burped, had a diaper changed and left to go home and have a nap. That would have been my plan. Two years tops. Just enough to suck the place dry.
This is all assuming North Korea has the bomb. I think North Dakota has it. Maybe Bush should invade them next. I think that the rest of America can take them. They are kind of close to Canada and all. And if you have read my rants in the past, you know what I think about Canada. Can't trust them!
Okay, I think that I may have ended up in a place that I did not intend to go to. But that is okay. In life sometimes I guess you do end up in the most unexpected places, like California. Laterzzz...
I did some dishes, and now my hands smell like the rubber gloves I wore. I wear gloves cuz I got delicate hands. Laterzzz pt2...
I went to the store and got some Tide. Did you ever notice that Tide is the most expensive soap? Is it the best? Does it get closes $2 dollars extra cleaner then the rest? I would have got gain but they had a shitty one that I had never tried. So I got Tide with Fabreeze. I like Fabreeze. You can spray it on your clothes and they smell refreshed. Or at least not as stinky. Not that I am against washing clothes but come on, sometimes you wear something and it is still clean. Why not just hit it with a few spritzes and wear it again? Is that gross or lazy or smart? And I mean stuff like pants, not underwear. Underwear you just turn inside out and wear it again! Laterzzz pt3...
I didn't reread this post. I wonder if it makes sense? Or at least makes as much sense as the others that didn't make sense. Does that make sense? Hahaha! Laterzzz #4...
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