Monday, May 08, 2006
Tired at work and ranting
Wish I could wake up. I am so tired. But what do you want I didn’t get home until 11:30pm and I didn’t get to sleep until after 3am. Believe me, it was not intentional. I just could not fall asleep and it was too late to take an Ambien. So I didn’t get much sleep. Maybe two hours and I am feeling it. Caffeine is not touching this at all. I have drunk two big cups of coffee, each one actually about 18oz or so. I have had to 12oz cans of soda. I am still yawning. It might be time to have a cup of this nasty ass tea that we have here at work. I keep a little in my desk with sugar and I believe creamer for just such emergencies.
slight pause
Ok, back. I had to get up and try to wake up. I am in the process of steeping some tea. It is a really crappy kind that they offer here at work.
another pause
This fucking tea isn’t working! I just can’t seem to damn focus! How much caffine do I have to fucking drink? I am going to go to lunch soon and try to get a rush on.
Longer Pause.
I didn’t go to lunch yet. I have spent the last hour trying not to fall asleep. I have not been totally successful. My eyes keep closing when I blink and I find myself nodding off. I feel I am on the edge of beating it but I just can’t take this. I don’t want to lose my fucking job over a nap. I have been unable to get shit done because I just can’t focus. Have I said that. My God, I can’t even seem to get angry, that sometimes helps but today just isn’t helping. I am going to lunch. First I am gonna go to the bathroom. Then lunch. All this liquid makes me have to pee. To bad it don’t keep me awake. I could seriously just close my eyes right now and go to sleep. This sucks balls.
A few days later…
Wow, did that day suck. I tell you I am glad that the boss was not watching on that day. I just could not focus. I felt like my head was filled with fuzz, more so than normal. But, I am fine now. I have slept and am mostly alert today. The day is about half over. I think I am in the mood for a hotdog or twenty. I just can’t get enough of the phallus shaped meat products. MMMM that's some good nitrates. Laterzzz…