Monday, March 06, 2006

Monday Splatter...

A tisket a tasket a baby in a basket...I don't know what that means but I just figured I would go with it. So, what the hell is going on? Nothing round here more or less. My weekend is basically over. That sucks a load of monkey balls. I got to go back to the grindstone tomorrow. Wee! For those of you keeping score that is sarcasm.

I need to put in for a three day weekend or something. A extra day or two off is just the type of medicine that I needed. And to be honest I can do my job in like three days. I don't usually spend a whole day working. I don't get paid enough to work ALL day. Hell, I know my boss doesn't work all day, she is always on the Internet or going and getting a coffee. Then she acts like she is working so hard. I do that too, though. Only when she is there I put on that fake busy face, like what I am doing is just so difficult. They did an episode of Seinfeld were George did that, put on a look like he was angry or upset and then people think that you are busy. It is so awesome.

It always amuses me when the boss asks, "Are you busy?"

Like I am going to say,"You know, I was planning on picking my nose and spreading it on the bottom of the desk because I just finished all my work and really have nothing to do. After all, Boss, you know how much I like asking for more work to do. I mean the wages you pay me really make me want to work my ass off for you. It doesn't make me think what the hell is the point what I do as long as I put in my time till the end of the day when I can go home and try to psyche myself up to come back here and do it all over."

Don't get me wrong, I think that I have said it before, my job is not that hard. It is totally trained monkey level work. I have no illusions as to my place in the work food chain, thoroughly at the bottom. I just think or let's say more feel that there is just something wrong, if not evil about going to work everyday.

Maybe I am a lazy American? Maybe I was brought up in a time in the world where we were at the apex of American civilization so everything was essentially possible? I look around and all I can see is a country, if not a planet where there are three types of people. There are those born with privilege firmly at the top. There are those at the bottom who will never escape. Then there are those in the middle under the impression that they can work harder, pray harder, be better, and everything will suddenly work out and they will be OK, a sub-group of these think they will make it into the top layer one day.

Now, I could be wrong. I could just be feeling pessimistic, and that is totally valid. Maybe there is no problem in this country? Maybe that feeling that the best days in America are behind and we are becoming a country not just of haves and have not but of wills and never wills is just my imagination. But let's just think about something for a second, if you were a person, coming from a working poor family. You wanted to go to college but to go to school you have to put yourself into debt so deep you are going to be paying for the next decade at least. When you do get out of school, you are not focused on how can I make the world better, you are focused on making as much money as you can to pay your bills. It just goes on and on. The more you have the more you want the more you make the more you spend. When does it just stop for a little while?

Oh, well, enough of my semi-sentimential geopolitical blathering. Did you watch the Academy Awards? I didn't but the movie that I did recommend won for best picture, that would be "Crash". I am just glad that the "gay cowboys eating pudding" movie didn't win. I have nothing against the homosexuals, I just don't like the idea that if I don't want to see a crappy movie that happens to be about gay guys that that in some way indicates that I am against them. Hell, do what ever you want to whoever you want in a totally consensual type of way. It is none of my business. That goes both ways however. It is your responsibility to keep your private stuff private because I dont' want to know. And I will be totally honest to say that two hairy guys going at it is heave inducing-ly icky. At the same time to hot chicks going for it is hot. Double-standard? So?

I did see the Johnny Cash movie "Walk the Line". It was really good. I can see why Reese Witherspoon won the Oscar. I think Joaquin Phoenix (forgive me for the spelling) was pretty great too. It defiantly joins the other great bio-pic like "La Bamba" and uh...whatever another one is that I can't think of right now. I give it a recommendation. Warning though, you should buy or download some Johnny Cash songs before you watch the movie because after you watch it you will want to listen to some of his songs.

Speaking of songs, "It's hard out here for a pimp" won the fucking Oscar! The song is from the movie "Hustle and Flow" which you will remember me saying you should watch. I guess from reading on the Internet or "Net", the performance was corny but at least it was one of the better things of the night. I think that has to do with the fact that everyone has to act like they have a stick up their ass. I mean, my God people, you get paid to tell stories to pretend. Get over yourselves. I am all for being a pompous asshole, call it a hobby, but you are supposed to be entertainers, entertain me. And one word to the the girls when you pick a dress, more skin and see through fabrics! Boing!

OK, I am done for now. Maybe more later if I can think of something to talk about that I haven't bitched about a hundred times before. Laterzzz...

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