Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Quickly Now

The Super Bowl was blah. The commercials. Blah. Halftime show, preshow, postshow, blah cubed. What they got to do is get rid of the singers at half time and make the Lingerie Bowl standard fair. I like football. Men like football. I say to hell with the freaking censors. Bring on the skin.

The only problem that I have is that I think it ought to be Panties versus Bras. And it shouldn't be tackle. While girls tackling girls does have its appeal, I think it would be a much better game if it was flag football. The person with the ball is tackled when the bra or panty, as the case may be, is removed. Of course everything would be held in place with Velcro. Now that would be a game worth watching. Laterzzz...

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