Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Post Snow, Pre-VD
It snowed here in the state of Connecticut yesterday. It snowed a lot. We had what I guess will officially be know as the Blizzard of '06, (pronounced 'ought-six). Least it will unless we get another blizzard sometime before summer or get one later in the year when winter once again comes rolling through. It is comical how people do lose their minds about snow. Not that snow can't be dangerous, but a when ever it snows people go into a frenzy. And they get superstitious. I don't care if you never looked twice at ladder when walking under it, or if you light three on a match, or you step on a crack in effect breaking your mothers back, when the snow comes people around here rush to the store and buy milk and bread.
I think I talked about the whole milk and bread thing before but let me just go over it. When disaster is coming but especially snow, if you go to the store you will be hard pressed to locate milk and bread. For some reason, and I don't know if this a New England think or just a Conn. thing, but people go to the store and buy milk and bread. I have never been able to figure out why except maybe it goes back to the farming roots? Maybe with milk and bread you have enough nutrients to at the very least make it through a few days of loss of power? I really do not know. So it ends up being a kind of joke, "Oh my God, a storm is coming! I must go and get milk and bread!" They even mention it on the news how when storms are coming the stores order extra milk and bread and that yes, people are making sure to stock up. Maybe it's that with milk and bread you can make bread pudding, which is quite tasty?
Tomorrow is Valentine's day. So I thought I would post a heart on my page. Do you like it?
I have some thoughts when it comes to VD as I will refer to it. The thoughts are: fraud, made up, bullshit, commercial, who needs it, and women are not really into this day are they?, and if they are how ridiculous. At the same time I am going to pull out the hypocrite card and say that if I was with someone in a boyfriend capacity and she was into the day I would probably do something special for her to acknowledge it. Not because of any validity of the holiday but just because it would make her smile. If you in a relationship there are things you just do. Plus, then she will be grateful and do some of those naughty things that you been asking for. So, win-win situation.
Then there is the whole romance thing. I know some guys act like they are too cool or that they are not into it, but I think it is kind of cool to do things for a girl if you are into her. I know that reading or writing poetry or stories can be considered corny to some, but I really don't give a fuck what some have to say. I mean the opinions of others mean very little to me about most unimportant issues so why in the hell should it mean anything to me in something that matters to me? It shouldn't and it doesn't.
I am not going to go into what I have done, or what I would do, or even some ideas I have for the future to make a special someone feel special. I just know that if you care about someone you really should show it to them on more than just one day during a year. You should tell them how you feel no matter what the calender says.
That brings us to the really difficult part,finding someone. I have no ideas for that. Hell, if I was good at that I would be getting some right now instead of getting out my energy writing a rant don't you think? OK, I would still write but it would be short and incoherent, or more incoherent--assuming that is possible. Whatever. Everwhat? I got to go. Have a good VD if you aren't getting any and if you are, fuck off you bragging bastard. Laterzzz...
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