Sunday, February 26, 2006

Ok, we know it's cold...

Today’s edition of people who piss me off is weathermen, or should I call them weather people? Fuck it, they can be weather-ball-lickers for all I care. OK, to be fair, there are a few who are not too bad. I actually kind of like the ones for Channel 8 here in CT. That would be if you were so inclined to check it out.

The other local TV weather people? They just suck. I will tell you why, and it has nothing to do with their forecasts being off, well, it has a little to do with that. I was watching the weather report for another station. The guy is going all on about how we are going to be getting some severe cold and that it looks like we are going to get snow. A whole whopping two inches of snow and the guy is going on like it’s a fucking blizzard. I swear he had a raging hard-on for the possibility that it would be cold and snowy. So at the end of his report I am under the impression that it is going to be super duper cold and that we will get what will be an annoying amount of snow.

Before I go to bed, just to be sure I read the forecast from the WTNH website. They said it would be cold (it is winter after all) and a little light snow that might stick to the grass. No big deal.

It turned out not to be a big deal at all. There were some flurries. The snow hit the ground and melted. It is cold. The thing is, you hear people talking about how it’s supposed to be as cold or colder then it has been all year and losing their fucking minds because it is chilly. I blame the fucking weather assholes. They have to blow everything up into a damn situation just to give the fucking forecast.

I lost my train of thought. I began writing this at work and I was all filled with worthless indignation but I have lost the vibe. Dammit. I hate it when I am irrationally angry at a useless subject and then forget what I was pissed at. In fact I am so pissed off about it that I might have to make it the topic of tomorrows rant. I will call it, "When assholes bitch about other assholes and then forget what they were bitching about." Sounds like a good idea, huh? Laterzzz...

Too bad it's cold there. It's 72 here and working it's way up to the 80s of the next few days. Poor thing. Always bitchin about something aren't ya?
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