Friday, November 25, 2005

Thoughts for the day

I can never seem to get up in the morning. I just am not a morning type person. I can't see hopping out of bed when the alarm goes off. That is just against my whole character. No matter how many mornings in a row I get up early it never becomes anything less than a challenge. To be honest, the only thing that wakes me up most mornings is the fact that I have to take a squirt.

The flip side of that is that if I have things to do, I like to get them done in the morning as early as possible. Weird, huh? I like to go shopping or do laundry or whatever. The shopping thing especially. I can't stand crowds. I mostly don't like people, so being with all those people in once place makes me want to hit someone. I don't think I could ever get up early and go shopping on a day like today, Black Friday.

I drove past the mall on the way to work. It was packed. And that was at like 830am. The mall doesn't even open on a normal day until 9:30am. You know, it always amuses me that mall and maul sound alike. I mean one is a violent vicious attack and one is something that a bear does to you. Get it....hahahaha. I amuse me.

Toy R Us was also busy. Very busy. It had me thinking that this is what people live for. They live for the copious consumption. For the orgy of retail gluttony fueled by easy credit and low prices. They instill in their children that the holiday and most days are about amassing goods in an unending consumer orgasm or buying and hoarding. Think about it, in the past you bowed down at the alter before your gods, now most people worship at the cash registers of Wal-mart and Target. Enlightenment through speedy check out. Salvation on a sales slip. Amen and pass the ammunition--availible in the sporting goods department, praise Allah.

To be fair, I did get a good deal on a TV once through the Black Friday sales. My sister went to Wal-mart early one morning so I had her pick up the sale TV. It was a semi-decent 20 inch television for like $89. Good deal. I used that TV until it stopped working. I guess it was 3 years but it was on alot, so I figure I got my money's worth.

That is all that I really want. I don't want to get something for nothing. Well, I do but that is only because I am cheap. I know that to get stuff you have to pay for it. To get good stuff sometimes you got to pay a little more but that is a choice. What pisses me off is when you pay your hard earned money and you get ripped off. Or you find what you just bought at a significantly lower price a little later. You feel cheated. You feel ripped the hell off. Sometimes you just feel stupid. It's not good to feel stupid over stuff like that. You should feel stupid over girls. Or guys as the case may be.

I have felt stupid over girls lots of times. I think girls/women may have specifically been put on this world to make guys look and act stupid. God has a sick twisted sense of humor I guess. Especially when it comes to the hot chicks. Don't look at me like that. I am not saying any specific kind of hot chick just hot chicks in general. They can be all sizes and shapes and colors. There are girls that are not considered "classically" beautiful but I would still jump them. Don't spread this around but personality matters. Just a little bit. Sometimes you feel like a dork. Because you know that you are going to act like a jackass. And you try not to act like a jackass but once you are there talking to her, you can almost feel it burned into your forehead--jackass.

Oh. It's a month to Christmas. What'd you buy me? Tell me Laterzzz...

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