Thursday, October 13, 2005

Quick tonight(this morning?)

I need to sleep. Going to be quick. I had the day off so I did some minor stuff.

I got a haircut today. Looks kind of funny but that might just be my head. The barber got all scissorly on my hair. I am normally a clipper type of guy. Oh well. I will throw some gel in it in the morning. It can't look worse than it did.

I watched Blazing Saddles. Ate some pizza. Watched some Firefly. Ordered Knife of Dreams from Amazon and the Gorrilaz cd Demon Days.

Now I have to go to sleep. It is late. Or early. I always hate wrapping my mind around time because there really is no way to lock in on it. Damn realitivity. If I start thinking about it I will get my brain going and then I won't be able to sleep. So now I got to think about happy thoughts. Like naked girls. Naked girls (women) make me happy. Sexy naked women using me for their pleasure. That makes me really happy.

Ok, now I can sleep. Laterzzz...

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