Saturday, September 17, 2005

Day Off

I had today off. I did nothing. Now I look at the clock and count down the hours until I have to be back into work in the morning. I count the hours until I have to get up in the morning and start to get ready for work. The time gets shorter and shorter.

I don't hate work. I hate going to work. I hate not getting paid dick for going to work especially when you work in a place that makes billions and they pay barely above the poverty line. I hate the fact that I am lucky to have this job because I have no skills and right now no money to even go get any skills.

I hate whining about this shit. I hate when I fall into whiney bitch mode. I got to get out of it but I can't think of anything interesting to write about right now. I guess it's easier to whine about shit then to actually be positive and do something.

I guess that explains AM talk radio. You know, I guess that explains alot about America right now. We are mostly a country of whiny bitches who would rather bitch and moan about stuff than actually go out and change things.

As long as we have our large portion sizes, our cable/satilite TV, our cold beer, internet porn, and all the other things that we use to ignore reality; then everything is just fine. I have been feeling that things are not fine.

The thing is I know that I cannot change the world until I change myself. I think I am in more danger than the world. Maybe if everyone tried changing themselves instead of whining about others they would find themselves not having to whine about others so much. Or maybe I am just digressing because I am a whiny bitch and it is a lot easier to write about that then anything else at this particular junctor of time and space.

In other words, " I bullshit therefor I am". What I am, I am still trying to figure out. I can think about it at work tomorrow. Seven hours from now.



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