Saturday, July 02, 2005

Saturday and America

Sleep. It's weird but I seem to be getting by with less right now. Take Thursday, I stayed up late, until after 3am, and was still able to get up for 7:30am. Now don't get me wrong I was tired but it was more of the normal garden variety tired than a tired from lack of sleep. Yesterday I didn't get to sleep until after 1am and was still able to get up for 5:30am. I wonder if it is just the Summer? I heard that sometimes your body needs less sleep when there are more hours of daylight.I wonder if I am on a manic upswing that will end with me spinning into a deep dark depression where I will sleep for 24 hours lamenting the date of my birth? Do ya think?

Actually, I don't think that is it. I don't feel especially manic (not that I suffer from mood swings of a nature that medicine is needed but I am a Gemini and I do have certain duelistic tendencies. And if you don't belive is such a thing I don't know if I do� either but it sounds good). Either way, I feel good; knock on wood.

I saw on the news that Justice Sandra Day o'Conner was stepping down. I was surprised that it wasn't Renquist. He has been having health problems but I guess he isn't going to leave until they drag him out kicking and screaming, or in a pine box. I read a book by him and he seemed to be a smart guy. He probably had a ghost writer. I don't remember. It was about the history of the Supreme Court. Not the whole history as an A follows B setup, but certain pertainent instances and I believe alot of them had to do with the Chief Justice and just the way the court has and does run. It was an interesting book.

Speaking of interesting, it should be an interesting time as Congress fights it out over who the replacement for O'Conner will be. It will give them something to argue about instead of tackling harder issues. Don't get me wrong, this is an important issue and if the Constitution didn't mandate that it had to done they would probably never pick another Justice.
And believe me this one will be focused on. I mean after that decision the court handed down saying that a town or state govenment can take your home and give it to another private citizen or company if it will supposedly bring in more tax money. Can you freaking believe that. I don't own a home. I would like to one day. The purpose or the reason that I would like to own a home is so that I can have one place on the face of the world where I can be and not have to worry about someone else coming along and saying,"I don't want you here anymore--you have to go", just because they feel like it. I think my landlord right now is OK and better than most but when I see a piece of paper in my door that may just be an innocent communication about trash pick--up or worse case an inspection; I hate it. I hate someone coming into my personal space judging and rating and whatever. It's different if you invite someone in. A friend, relative, or a special lady (oh yeah). But knowing someone will be coming into what you consider your personal space like it or not, that gets my ire up (translation: pisses me off). The fact that the government can waltz in and take your place seems wrong and very un-American. I feel the founding fathers would be pissed. Hell, I know that the southern ones would be being that personal property was big with them even if that property at the time did happen to include slaves.

That being said maybe it is time for a bit of the revolution. I am not refering to armed combat in the streets or riots but it is getting so that the government is more of a burden to the average person than it is a help. When the Senators are worried more about kissing big business's ass and less about protecting the people maybe it is time to write some new laws. And I am not talking about laws that are just busy work like seat belts and cell phone bans. I am not talking about Terry Schiavo and steroids in pro baseball. I am not talking about Janet Jackson's nipple and the FCC making it a crime to say fuck on the radio and burning the flag. These are not real issues. These are what you have that take away from real issues.

Real issues are Americans without health care, without homes, without jobs. Americans having to slave and not making a living wage and having their jobs sent overseas. I am talking about the fact that we are being invaded by foreigners, who unlike in previous generations wanted to be a part of America, are only here to tear it down and have no love for this country. I am talking about big business who care only about the bottom line no matter how many employees get screwed or how many people lose their savings. I am talking about Iraq and terrorists and fighting a war that is the wrong war. I am talking about the collapse of the education system under the burden of educating children that are all declared special and so called experts who are concered more with making kids feel self important rather than teaching them to read. I am talking about an America of disenfranchised people who turn to drugs to ease the pain and are then sent to prisions in a failed prohibition that has only made organized crime stronger, made criminals out of addicts, and stuff the pockets and ranks of law enforcement agencies that have no real reason to ever let the country take an adult look at the problem.

These are just some issues. There are more, always more. I just think that America is in a dangerous place. We have to look at history and realize that America is an aberation, a fluke. Never has anything like us existed. We have to take steps to make sure that we will continue to exist. This country is only two hundred years old. That is nothing. A blip on the radar of human history which in turn is a blip in the cosmos. I don't want America to fail. I don't want chaos and poverty to sweep this land. I don't want Americans to have to fight Americans. We can be the country we should be, if we pull together and stop being so damn short sighted and greedy for the dollar. It just scares me that it ain't gonna happen. It scares me that I was born into the last generation that was able to enjoy an America before the corrupt polititians and the lawyers and the insurance companies and the multinational corporations and the special interest ruined it.

When I was a kid, you used to be able to go to a vacant lot and play football. If you got hurt you sucked it up and were hurt. Then the lawyers got involved. So if you got hurt the owner of the lot got sued. Now the vacant lot has a fence around it topped by razor wire. Where do the kids play? The swings were taken down and the jungle gym was removed because the city can't pay the liability insurance. So the kids stay inside and get obese and get stupider watching Pokemon and other mindless commercials masquerading as children's programming. Is this America? Well they could always read a book but Johnny can't read, but it really doesn't matter because the school and city library have no books, but the big corporation just got a tax cut and the school psycologists are there to make sure they get their Ritalin.

Maybe that is the hope for America, we will just stupid ourselves to death before we become so weak where we crumble under civil war or invasion. And if you think that can't happen, that America could never be invaded, count the Chinese. Count the Indians. Speaking of Indians, the Native Americans never thought there could be that many white men either. They thought there was room for everybody. They thought that selling out other tribes was good "business". They didn't protect their borders and resources from widescale harvesting. Now where are they. They ruled a continent. Now--well, not so much. The Romans could give lessons on Military Power and Empire. Where are they now? History.

I guess that is it...Laterzzz...WAIT!!!!

I can't end on this note. Let me get all pervy for a bit. Girls rule! Boobs! Jugs! Knockers! Poontang! I mean shit, I was kind of serious in that post. Not that I don't believe what I talk about, I do, but I am not just only a serious person. I like to have fun. I like big butts, I cannot lie. Well, butts and other stuff. Sexy stuff.

Ok now I can go...laterzzz...

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