Sunday, July 17, 2005

A Long Sunday

I am getting ready to go home. I did my 13.2 hours and I am tired. Surprisingly I am not damn tired. Not yet. It is 9:09pm right now and I got here at 8am. I got to be back for 8am Monday morning. Don't worry I am not asking for sympathy. I didn't do it for that. I did it for the overtime. Plain and simple it will be like an extra day's pay. I can deal with that.

What I can't deal with as easily is that I got a cab ride home and then I got a toilet that has been acting up. It has been slow to drain and me without a plunger. I got to get one tomorrow if it is still like it is. Work that plumber's helper and let the shit flow like the mighty Nile river. Except the toilet is probably cleaner. Anyone for a swim. I didn't think so.

We will spend so much money in this country on sports teams and stadiums but ask to build better water treatment plants and other public works and there is no money. It is kind of sick and sad in a way but who cares? No one. It goes the same for health care, schools, yadda yadda. But as long as I have money for strippers and porno I am happy and so should you.

Look at me going off on a tangent when it's all time for me to go home. I might write more later if I can think of anything even remotely interesting. It doesn't look positive though. Laterzzz....

Wait! I got home and now I will add a bit. I didn't have to wait long for a cab. What I do is--as we ride away from the employee entrance I look over at the Winter entrance and there are cabs there alot of the time. Today there where at least two and maybe three there. I get the the employee garage/center and then I called the cab. Sometimes it can take damn near forever but tonight, thank the Gods of taxicabs, it didn't. The cab was there within 5 minutes.

It costs about $25 to get from work to my front door. That is a lot of money--to me. But I guess it's worth it. Especially on a day like today where I earn a little good job points for staying after the time I had to. Plus time and half for overtime don't ever hurt. I just think it would be better if I made more money. I know there are people making more money than I, with less responsibilities, and who are just about as stupid as a fireplug. I want that money. I do get a raise in two months when my review comes up, in theory. I been screwed at other jobs and I expect to be screwed at this one. It's always best to hope for the best but be prepared for the worst. And I am. Or will be. Or whatever.

Now, let's talk about girls real quick. When you see a girl and they got that ass, you know the one. The one that sits there in jeans and makes you wonder how the denim can hug that much and makes you really want to be a pair of pants. Then when they walk and you see the ass rock from side to side or do that little rock and hop and you can tell that she definately is not wearing granny panties and all you can do is smile because deep down what you really want to do is let your hands slide all over that sweet sweet ass and pull her tight against you. I have followed that sweet ass up the hallway at work, not in a stalking way--just in my normal everyday way, and it is like all the cares of the world just melt away. A sexy ass is a beautiful thing forever--to paraphrase a bit. And of course there are always the girls who you hate to see go but you LOVE to watch them walk away.

Now that is a tangent. Laterzzz...pt2.

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