Sunday, July 10, 2005

Happiness or not?

I don't like to say that I am happy. I don't like to say that things are going fine. In fact, when I do feel good I get a dubious feeling that it will all end soon. I also think that if you are too happy you anger the universe and bad things line up to get to you. Is that superstitious? Probably (throwing salt over my shoulder). I don't think I am. I will walk under a ladder, I will open an umbrella inside, and I will light three on a match (ok maybe not that). I will not rock a rocking chair with no one in it, that is where I draw the line. (Just in case you don't know this one it is said if you rock a rocking chair with no one in it someone will die.)

I do believe in Karma. I don't know if I believe in fate though.I think that if� you throw good out into the universe you have a better chance of it coming back but if you put bad out there it might come back double. It's not like a steadfast rule or anything. I just think that sometimes what goes around comes around. I also think sometimes it goes around a little slow and that maybe it is our job to speed it up. With a gun.

Especially for child killing scum like that guy in Utah, or Idaho, or whatever one of those potato growing states in the west it was. The guy is so guilty as to not even be debatable. He needs to be walked into a room that has a drain in the floor and a bullet should be put into his head.Then you close the door and let the fucker drain. No muss and very little fuss. And believe me it is better than he deserves. In a fair world you'd let the family deal with him. Painfully. God forbid if it happened to my daughter, should I ever have one, I would make the guy beg me to kill him. I am not at all joking. I would make his last day, or weeks, a blinding sheet of misery. I would give him blood transfusions just to keep him alive while I inflicted retribution and justice on him. Maybe I would leave him alive, no arms, no legs, no eyes (I would make him eat those), I would make him deaf and remove his vocal chords and tongue. Right before I took his hearing I would let him know that one day I would be back, after he has spent years in some government prison being a sex doll for other perverts, and I would give him one more week of pain--because I could. Would it ease my pain? No. Could it change what he had done? No. Would I still do it? Yes. Simple as that. Laterzzz...

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