Sunday, July 30, 2006
Just thinking--
Besides, what is the point of complaining about the weather? Is anyone going to do something about it? Someone going to invent a weather machine? I wonder how much dough you could make if you could make the weather do what you want? Could you make it rain in one place and then if they didn't pay up would you make another place have a drought? One ski resort gets lots of snow and the other one that didn't pay the right price would get nothing? It would probably work fine unless the federal government got involved in which case they would probably give the franchise away to some big business and we would be gouged out of our minds.
On a lighter note...I have been watching the news at lunch and reading about the Mideast and my opinion is, fuck em'. Let them kill each other. People are all upset about Israel's response; killing so-called innocent victims and non-combatants. I say they should be commended for the restraint. If there were Mexicans lobbing rockets into the U.S. do you think that we would have one iota of thought about turning Tijuana into a parking lot? I don't. And if there were people who have reservations well, you really need to shut the fuck up. I am getting seriously tired of these people who advocate restraint. I believe that you should should never start a fight, but if you find yourself in one you need to end it as soon as possible. Israel needs to carpet bomb with Napalm Southern Lebanon and them turn it's focus on Syria. The war is coming ladies and gentleman and we are ill prepared to fight it. One day some Muslim country is going to get to the point where they are going to decide it is time to roll into Israel. Do you think that they won't kill innocent women and children? Are these rockets being fired into Israel only hitting military targets? Bet your ass they ain't.
The truth of the matter is that sometimes in a war, you have to totally destroy you enemies ability to ever make war on you again if you want to win that war. That is something that the United States was prepared to do during WWII. I think that is something that Israel might be prepared to do if it ever came down to it. If it comes down to killing women and children, old and young, and the destruction of Israel, can you blame them for choosing to survive? I don't.
War is never pretty. It is never clean. It should not be thought of that way and yet constantly the news and politicians talk as if you can have a war where no one gets hurt. That is not possible. I honestly don't care if every Iraqi is killed and the oil fields are drained if it protects this country. Is that brutal, immoral, just wrong? I don't know. I do know that sending our children over to foreign countries for murky reasons or back-room deals between giant corporations is more wrong.
So I don't fault Israel for accidently killing some "civilians". If the guerrillas are going to hide behind human shield then sometimes this kind of thing is going to happen. I just have the feeling that this is just the start of something bigger over there. World War III? That I don't know and I hope not. But people in that part of the world have been killing each other for a long long time and I don't see it ending any time soon.
Ok, I guess I got serious there but this stuff is starting to make me sick. There is very little reason in this world for these people to be killing each other. History has shown that. We live in a time when we should be beyond this stupid stuff. But we are not. It is just sad. Talk at you Laterzzz....
Sunday, July 23, 2006
OK. That is the kind of mood I am in. I am feeling like throwing someone in a fucking pit, keeping them a few days, and them making myself a kick-ass suit out of their skin. Not that I am a psycho tranny or anything. At least I don't think I am.
I just felt like making a point.
"Sooner or later we all go to the zoo". I look around and the world seems nuts. I go to work everyday for very little point and that seems nuts. The days tick away and the clock spins like a fans and it all just seems so fucking nuts."
We got to get the out of this place." I seem to be thinking in song titles and movie quotes huh? Maybe today's theme is that nothing is appropriate unless it is inappropriately appropriated. If you know what that fuck I am trying to say please drop me a comment and let me know, Cuz I have no freaking idea.Keeping it short today. I am feeling kind of flighty in my head. Which is sometimes good but not right now. Maybe I will write some more Laterzzz...
Friday, July 14, 2006
Good evening kids. It's gonna be a quick one today. Why? Well, because time is money. And in some ways money is time. And most importantly I don't have enough money at this time. Then again who does? You know who does? Those fucking CEO's of major corporations.
According to many articles which you can search for somewhere else, CEO's are making what can only be called "that Fat Cash". If my memory serves me correctly the average CEO makes like 200 times what the average worker in their company makes. Ain't that half a bitch?
Yeah, so you might say that this is just another example of the rich getting richer but here is the difference: I am tired of this shit. I am tired of busting my ass and getting dick for it. I am tired of people I know, who make more cash than me and who are just trying to get by paying their bills being worried because money is so tight. I am sick and fucking tired of living in an America where just getting by on a day to day basis is getting harder and harder. It shouldn't be like this in this country. I don't care how the rest of the world lives either. This is America. We shouldn't be moving to live like the rest of the world they should be wanting to be like us.
I mean if you watch the news the rest of the world is a fucked-up place to be. Israel has suddenly decided to bomb the fuck out of Lebanon which in turn is firing rockets back at them. It must be part of the "Let's piss off and give the Islamo-fascists another reason to hate us." campaign by the Israeli Tourist Board. Then you got North Korea and their crazy ass leader with the goofy hair. He is just pissing off everyone with his missiles and bad attitude. His goofy pompadour don't help either. Last fucking thing we need is another Korean war. Fuck that. To paraphrase
Vizzini, it would be a blunder to get involved in another land war in Asia. Then you just have that fact that the rest of the world sucks so much ass that almost everyone wants to come here to live. So why the hell do we want to be like them?I just think that things are starting to get way unfair. When the choice is between having spotless credit or living in a hovel. Or when it is working 80 hours a week and making ends meet. Or when people can't get health care because they make too much money but if they didn't work they could. I think I am repeating myself.
I just think that it is getting harder and harder. I am not a conspiracy nut and I generally think that things could be worse, but sometimes, you got to think, what the fuck is going on? We spend so much time as Americans with our heads in the sand arguing about shit that doesn't matter like flag burning, same sex marriage, and violent video games. We obsess over so-called celebrities who are famous for being semi-famous and yet we have people in this country going to be hungry. Yet we spend billions on a war in a Iraq, a war against terror, a drug war, a war on this and a war on that. Does what happens in Iraq matter if you can't afford food? Does anything matter besides your cold hands if you can't afford heating oil? Is a public that is so scared about losing what they have, working their asses off just to survive, and distracted by the idiot box easier to control and deceive by rich and the powerful who are really in control? What do you think? Laterzzz...
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Happy 4th of July!
It's the fourth of July! The day to celebrate America! Yay,America! You go girl! Lots of thing have happened in the last month since I have written. But that is not any of your business.
What is your business is the launch of the the Space Shuttle Discovery. `Bout fricking time. I mean two years between launches? Are you kidding me? I already feel cheated by the space program. Growing up I was told we would be exploring space, having cool space stations, living on the moon, where is that shit?
Now, we are worried about foam hitting the shuttle. Who the is in charge at NASA? Do these people not understand that space travel is not safe and that people will die? I know that might be kinda cruel and heartless but it is true. But it is not like it doesn't have an upside. There are many things that have come out of the space program. Those memory foam mattresses and Velcro just two name two. I am sure there is probably a website somewhere where you can see all the shit that space travel(sounds all Star Treky, huh?) has helped brought about. But I am not going to go looking for it now. If you find it, put a link below in the comment section.
Why are fireworks illegal?
I ask this because this week, at night, you can hear people setting off fireworks. Probably mostly firecrackers and bottle rockets. You don't get many of the big M80's in the city but I know for a fact you hear them a lot when you get more into the suburbs/country. But here in Connecticut they are illegal; that doesn't seem to stop people from having them though.
When I was a kid I used to have firecrackers and rockets. My Dad would get them from people when they went up to New Hampshire, where all that stuff is legal. We wouldn't get M80's, which are really just a 1/4 stick of dynamite, but we got damn near everything else. And I had fun setting them off. I was careful, never goofed around, and still have all my finger and toes.(At least until the diabetes kicks in, ha-ha).
Fireworks, except for sparklers, are illegal though. Which is stupid. In America there is very little that ought to be illegal. And very little of what should be illegal is stuff that you would use, with full knowledge, and could hurt you. What I mean is, fireworks are dangerous. If you don't know that and you do something stupid and hurt yourself, well, too bad. If you hurt others or destroy property of others, well we have law already that take that into account. If people want to celebrate the birth of our nation by shooting off firecrackers they should be able to. It's not like we are one of those countries that shoots off AK-47's to celebrate.
I guess if I have a point it's that there are just too many damn laws in this country. We seem to be trying to control people way too much. It's like if someone is walking on the grass, instead of putting up a sign that says,"Don't walk on grass." We have to make a law against grass walking. Which brings me to something else, why the fuck can't I walk on the damn grass? What the hell else is grass good for? Just looking at? For golfing? I like walking on grass. Especially if it is nice and soft grass and I am in my bare feet.
See that is what America is about. Walking on the grass, lighting a firework, exploring space, living free or dying, drinking a damn beer and having the right to say whatever stupid things come into you mind.
God bless America! Laterzzz...